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Create Payment URL

Create a payment URL for VNPay.

Create Payment URL

import { ProductCode, VnpLocale } from 'vnpay';

/* ... */

const paymentUrl = vnpay.buildPaymentUrl({
vnp_Amount: 10000,
vnp_IpAddr: '',
vnp_TxnRef: '12345',
vnp_OrderInfo: 'Payment for order 12345',
vnp_OrderType: ProductCode.Other,
vnp_ReturnUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/vnpay-return',
vnp_Locale: VnpLocale.VN, // 'vn' or 'en'


vnp_AmountPayment amountIn VND. The amount has been automatically calculated, no need to multiply by 100 as per VNPay
vnp_IpAddrIP address of the customer making the transactionExample:
vnp_TxnRefCustomer's order codeThis code is unique and used to distinguish orders sent to VNPAY. It should not be duplicated within a day. Example: 23554
vnp_OrderInfoOrder informationData regulations sent to VNPAY (Vietnamese without accents and does not include special characters). Example: Top up for subscriber 0123456789. Amount 100,000 VND
vnp_OrderTypeOrder typeEach product will belong to a category group as regulated by VNPAY. Use the available enum from ProductCode or see more in the Product Category table
vnp_ReturnUrlReturn path after paymentThis is the URL to which VNPay will redirect the user after the payment is completed. For example:
vnp_LocaleLanguage displayed on the payment gatewayCurrently supports Vietnamese (vn), English (en)

See more properties at VNPay.


Using logger

import { ProductCode, VnpLocale, consoleLogger } from 'vnpay';

/* ... */

const paymentUrl = vnpay.buildPaymentUrl(
vnp_Amount: 10000,
vnp_IpAddr: '',
vnp_TxnRef: '123456',
vnp_OrderInfo: 'Payment for order 123456',
vnp_OrderType: ProductCode.Other,
vnp_ReturnUrl: `http://localhost:${port}/vnpay-return`,
logger: {
type: 'pick', // The mode to select log fields, can be 'pick', 'omit' or 'all'
fields: ['createdAt', 'method', 'paymentUrl'], // Select the fields to log
loggerFn: consoleLogger, // Log data to console, can be replaced with another function

Using custom logger

import { ProductCode, VnpLocale } from 'vnpay';

/* ... */

const paymentUrl = vnpay.buildPaymentUrl(
vnp_Amount: 10000,
vnp_IpAddr: '',
vnp_TxnRef: '123456',
vnp_OrderInfo: 'Payment for order 123456',
vnp_OrderType: ProductCode.Other,
vnp_ReturnUrl: `http://localhost:${port}/vnpay-return`,
logger: {
type: 'pick', // The mode to select log fields, can be 'pick', 'omit' or 'all'
fields: ['createdAt', 'method', 'paymentUrl'], // Select the fields to log
loggerFn: (data) => logToDatabase(data), // Function to log data to database, you need to implement it

With MVC

Steps to create a payment URL in Express with MVC:

  1. Create a route to handle orders
  2. After creating the order, proceed to create the payment URL
  3. Redirect the customer to the payment URL
  4. After payment, VNPay will redirect the customer to vnp_ReturnUrl
// Route to handle orders'/order', async (req, res) => {
// Create order
const order = await createOrder(req.body); // Order creation function, you need to implement it yourself

// Create payment URL
const paymentUrl = vnpay.buildPaymentUrl({
vnp_Amount: 10000,
req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] ||
req.connection.remoteAddress ||
req.socket.remoteAddress ||
vnp_TxnRef: order.orderId,
vnp_OrderInfo: `Payment for order ${order.orderId}`,
vnp_OrderType: ProductCode.Other,
vnp_ReturnUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/vnpay-return',
vnp_Locale: VnpLocale.VN,

return res.redirect(paymentUrl);

With API

Steps to create a payment URL in Express with API:

  1. Backend creates an API to handle orders
  2. Frontend calls API to create order
  3. After creating the order, proceed to create the payment URL
  4. Return the payment URL and/or order information to Frontend
  5. Frontend redirects the customer to the payment URL
  6. After payment, VNPay will redirect the customer to vnp_ReturnUrl
// API to handle orders'/api/order', async (req, res) => {
// Create order
const order = await createOrder(req.body); // Order creation function, you need to implement it yourself

// Get returnUrl from frontend, if not use default
const returnUrl = req.body?.returnUrl || 'http://localhost:3000/vnpay-return';

// Create payment URL
const paymentUrl = vnpay.buildPaymentUrl({
vnp_Amount: 10000,
req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] ||
req.connection.remoteAddress ||
req.socket.remoteAddress ||
vnp_TxnRef: order.orderId,
vnp_OrderInfo: `Payment for order ${order.orderId}`,
vnp_OrderType: ProductCode.Other,
vnp_ReturnUrl: returnUrl, // The path should be of the frontend
vnp_Locale: VnpLocale.VN,

return res.json({ paymentUrl, order });